Q. What does 'warm', 'hot', 'cool' mean?

Cool (or unmarked) = Room temperature is set to 74-76 degrees.

Warm = Room temperature is set between 78-82 degrees.

Hot = Room temperature is set at 90 degrees.

Q: If I show up late, will you still let me in?

We understand that life happens sometimes, but to respect everyone's practice, we ask that you arrive with plenty of time to set up your mat and settle in. Doors are locked when class begins for everyone's safety.

Q: You can just tell by looking at me that I have a back injury/neck injury/anxiety/hip replacement/etc., right?

We wish! It is SO incredibly helpful for us as teachers to know of any injuries, ailments or if it is your first time! We are then able to offer proper modifications to make your practice as enjoyable as possible!

Q: My cell phone is part of my body, is it cool if I lay it beside me during class?

That's a no, friend. We have a lovely basket in the lobby area for your electronic buddy to take his own savasana while you practice. Rest assured, he will be just fine since we lock the main door at the beginning of class. This is your time to unplug!

Q: Is it okay to chat with my friends during class?

We get it, we love to talk to our friends too, but please be mindful of those around you. When entering the studio, speak in a hushed tone and try to refrain from talking during class unless there is a question or problem. This is a zen space and we would like to keep it that way!